For the second time, member companies of the JaDMA (Japan), VDMA and VDWF (Germany) associations meet for an online exchange on current topics. This time, the focus is on the experiences of three companies from each association regarding climate-neutral toolmaking, sustainability and the resulting opportunities.

Invited speakers:

From JaDMA:
• Shigeto Kida, Showa Precision Tools; 
• Toshiyuki Miyagishima, M.I.Molde;
• Masahito Yamanaka, Yamanaka Eng.

From VDMA:
• Wolfgang Boos, WBA Aachen Toolmaking Academy;
• Thorsten Hickmann, Eisenhuth;
• Stefan Zecha, Zecha Carbide Tool.

From VDWF:
• Sabine Kellermann, Kellermann;
• Henning Köllner, Gezea;
• Jörg Teegen, Teegen.


08.00 am - Welcome

08.05 am - Short introduction of the participating companies from JaDMA, VDMA and VDWF

08.15 am - Statements and discussion

10.00 am - End of the event

*German time 

The event will be held in German with simultaneous translation.