Starting 2018, ISTMA has confirmed the IRT3000 magazine as its media partner. As the most influential industry magazines in the Adria region, IRT3000 and IRT Adria have partnered with the world tooling and machining association and will be presented to the European and international toolmakers and machine builders in April at the next General Assembly to be held in Zürich, Switzerland.
"The IRT3000 magazine has been covering the activities in the tool & mouldmaking industry for a very long time, convincing us that has got what it takes to become ISTMA's official media partner. Our industry and professionals will benefit from a reputable regional publication such as IRT3000, so we are looking forward to our continued collaboration," said Bob Williamson, president of ISTMA association.
Fresh news from the toolmaking industry bimonthly The IRT3000 issues published in the "odd" months will include the latest news and presentations of ISTMA projects, focusing on the achievements of toolmakers and machine builders from the old continent, including those made by Slovenian companies
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