"Sometimes, it is hard to choose a different path from the one others are following", stated Christen Merkle during the "Agile Teams" webinar promoted by ISTMA on February 11 and where the leader and CEO of AHP Merkle (ISTMA Global Partner) was the invited speaker.

A virtual audience composed by ISTMA members from around the globe attended this session where the German businessman synthesized the process adopted in his company to innovate management and organization. According to Merkle, this change is centered on people and their expectations: "it made the teams more communicative and united, so that everyone felt involved in the company's decisions and direction".

Three years after it started, Christen Merkle considers that "the transformation has proved to be effective". As a starting point, he argued that the key is "to have a plan for the future" and to share it with the teams". This topic is, in his opinion, crucial to increase motivation. The process "was done by destroying departments and building agile teams".

The webinar was insightful, showing best practices put into place by a company with almost 50 years of activity. It showed how it made the move to a second generation and how the company transformed its entire work philosophy.