Meetings - Organization of 2 meetings per year in Europe.
Organization of Workshops - Take the opportunity for several stakeholders (Associations, R&D Centers, companies) to make presentations about their activities and expectations in associated projects for our business fields. - Promote the participation in the workshops of member companies of ISTMA-E Associations from different countries.
ISTMA World Conference - Support the organization of the Conference. - Promotion of the event in the Associated Members and their Companies.
European R&D projects - Support and participation in projects promoted by several ISTMA-E members. - Support and participation in ManuFuture Initiatives.
Statistics and Market Information - Promote the members participation in ISTMA World statistics. - Follow-up on the Business Conditions Reports, every 6 months ( June / December ). Promotion of ISTMA-E activities - Institutional Brochure - Website - Collaboration with European Tool & Moldmaking Magazine.
Enlarge ISTMA-E membership - Develop contacts with associations in non members countries.
Institutional level - Develop contacts and meetings with European Union Commission. - Develop contacts with ISTMA World countries. - Participation on European Members visits to other ISTMA World Regions.
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